Vista City Wiki

All Human societies have an "Age of Majority" at which certain activities like contracts, drinking, voting, driving, and even sex are considered permissible. But not permissible before that. Such things are often enshrined in law. As a single given age, although not the same age for everything on the list. This of course is dependent on the country one is in as well.

The issue is not with the idea of age of majority but with the fixed numbers attached to it.

Aliens, other sentient species, grow at different rates.Some mature quicker, some slower. Earth law does not account for this.

The issue first came to the attention of the law and the court with Jak Caelyn, a seven foot plus Sergal that wanted to drive, at age nine. For a Sergal, a rapidly growing species this was fine. The law was argued in the Georgia courts and Jak got his motorcycle.

This puts Georgia ahead of the rest of the world in the matter. The law now recognizes that Sergals (A very limited number) Ane and Tanuki have differing maturity rates from Humans and accounts for at least these species. It will look at others as it comes up. That only leaves the rest of the world, but the issue has been broached.

Aneilogs have used the driving argument in California, citing the Georgia precedent. There was no way that California was going to be seen as less progressive than Georgia. Their law has likewise changed noting the different races have different requirements. This included Tanuki of which the state has a notable population. Younger for sex older for nearly anything else.

Montana was tackled thereafter, it having the largest Tanuki population in excess of 20,000. The weight of Georgia and California was used to pry loose an equal law.

At this point proactive suits are being perused in any state that has an Ane or Aneilog in permanent residence, mostly university staffers.


The Chinese Empire, European Union, Kenya, Japan, and Xīnán have addressed the issue.
