Vista City Wiki

Team Scarlet is a child party of Team Red. A schism within Team Red with every promise of ripping the party apart at the very seams.

Political Philosophy[]

Pro Constitution, fiscal conservative, strong defense, and muscular Diplomacy. let religion take care of itself. Team Scarlet is divorcing the Religious right and Keynesian economics while hanging on to the rest of the Team Red platform.


Paelo Conservatives that find Team Purple too brittle and unelectable. Log Cabin Redders, Many so called by far right Red RINOs (Red In Name Only). A place for those dissatisfied Team Red moderates to go.


Founded in 2015 as a reaction to "The Crazy" in Team Red. It has yet to have a history.

Current Events[]

The Party is founded on June First 2015 with the goal of rescuing conservative America from "The Crazy" that has taken rampant control of Team Red.

Noted Persons[]

  • Rand Peter - US Senator and noted voice in the wilderness. Broke away from Team Red and is taking quite a few people with him.
  • Senator Jon McCane -- Cured of his brain cancer, he made a failed fun for President in 2020.

Other Political Parties[]

Team Scarlet does not have the stage to itself. Also playing are:
