Vista City Wiki

An Anti-Gravity wildfire fighting rig first sketched out by Steven Ashby.

The rig is two 40,000 gallon tanks, a control cab and four monitor stations. All on an antigrv sled powered by two impulse drivers. It does not look like it could move.

Steven Ashby sketched it up based on his long standing interest in fire bombers. The team at the Warp Drive Project built the first two Forest Fighters.

The Forest Fighter is currently built by Lockmart and Airbus. They are in their third stage of development, but as ugly as ever. They are stationed all over the United States, and places around the world prone to wild fire. The two prototypes are still serving in Southern California

The latest Forest Fighters coming our have replace the tanks with the Allion Water Taps. High pressure water in an endless flow. They also add the latest in small scale shield technology to protect the crew from the fire they are fighting. These units can get right down on the fire and pump water until the crew tires.
